Effectiveness of Health Teaching on Women’s Knowledge and Skills Regarding Breast Self-Examination in Primary Health Centers in Erbil City/Iraq
Breast Self-Examination, Knowledge, SkillsAbstract
Background and objectives: Breast cancer is a general term used for different types of cancers that develop from breast tissue cells. Breast self-examination may help detection of breast cancer in early time. The aim of the study is to identify women’s knowledge and skills about Breast Self-Examination. The objectives of the study was to identify the overall effectiveness of health teaching on knowledge and skills of women about Breast Self-Examination.
Methods: A Quasi-experimental study was conducted on 100 women who attended to three main primary health care centers in Erbil city during November 2017 to April 2018. Data collection was done two times, one before teaching session and second after that through direct interview and a questionnaire format. Chi-square test was used for comparing pre and post-test results of the study sample.
Results: Regarding level of knowledge about Breast Self-Examination the results revealed that there were three levels as: poor 28%, fair 49% and good 23%. Regarding their skills about Breast Self-Examination, the results indicated that there were three categories as poor 78%, fair 6% and good 16 %. There was a significant difference between overall knowledge and skills of participants before and after teaching session.
Conclusion: Teaching session was effective on Breast Self-Examination knowledge and skills. Public education can be developed by health policy in the region in order to breast cancer prevention and early detection.
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