Sexual Satisfaction among Infertile Spouses in Erbil City
Sexual satisfaction, Infertility, SpousesAbstract
Background and objectives: Sexual satisfaction is an emotional state that occurs with the fulfilment of individual wishes in the area of sexual life. Sexual satisfaction is mainly affected by the outcomes of infertility. The study aimed to assess sexual satisfaction among infertile spouses in Erbil city and to determine associations between sexual satisfaction and their sociodemographic characteristics.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 infertile couples visiting Maternity Teaching Hospital and three private infertile centers in Erbil city. Index of sexual satisfaction was used to assess sexual satisfaction. Verbal informed consent was obtained from all participants. Data was analyzed by using the frequency, percentage, Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22.
Results: Three hundred persons (150 infertile couples) participated in the study. Their mean age was 31.82 + 6.60 years, ranging from 17 to 49 years old.
More than half of participants were less satisfied, with wives being less satisfied than their husbands. No significant association was detected between sexual satisfaction scores and level of education, occupation income and residency.
Conclusion: The findings of the study indicated that more than half of participants were less satisfied, and wives were less satisfied than their husband. Infertile spouses especial-ly wives should be educated to increase their awareness regarding sexual issues.
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