Consequences of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing: A Concept Analysis
Concept analysis, Emotional intelligence, Nurses, Nursing, PsychologyAbstract
Background and Objectives: Emotional intelligence refers to a social skill, which enables individual to better regulate emotions and cope up with the different demands and environmental pressures. This assists in enhancing professional competence enabling better delivery of services. This paper aimed to examine the consequences of emotional intelligence in the nursing profession by presenting its concepts, definitions, models, and implications.
Methods: A literature review study was made and articles were searched from various databases including Scopus, EMBASE, ProQuest, PsychINFO, and CINAHL, using key terms “emotional intelligence,” “nursing,” and “concept analysis” from 2000 to 2019. Twenty articles were included following their compliance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria and removing of the duplications.
Results: Social and personal attributes affect emotional intelligence. Self-awareness, relation-ships, self-management, and social awareness are other important components of emotional intelligence. The nursing professional explains a social and personal aspect that emotional intelligence entails and further portrays a meaningful role of emotional intelligence in both the sensitivity and moral dimension of clinical practice.
Conclusion: The nursing professionals who possess increased emotional intelligence experience few emotional psychosomatic symptoms and emotional exhaustion, greater workshop collaboration and teamwork, more satisfaction with their jobs, fewer unidentified patient care needs, and better emotional health.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Abdulaziz Mohsen Alsufyani, Omar Ghazi Baker, Yasir Mohsen Alsufyani (Author)

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