Risk Factors Associated with Suicidality in Erbil City


  • Ahmed Ali Rasool Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Abdulqader Hussein Hamad Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.




Suicidality, Suicidal Attempt, Risk Factors, Suicidal Ideation


Background and Objectives: Suicide is an intentional attempt to end someone's life that results in death. Suicidality comprises suicidal thoughts, plans, and actions. Knowing the risk factors associated with suicide may help in its reduction. The study's aims were to ascertain the sociodemographic characteristics of suicidal patients and suicidality-associated risk factors.
Methods: A retrospective case-control study recruited 60 participants aged between 18 and 53 years within eight months. Sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors associated with suicide attempts among the studied samples such as personal, maltreatment during childhood, community-associated risk factors, and suicide methods used. The data was analyzed through binary logistic regression.
Results: In total, there were (26.6%) cases in the age group 18-29; the majority of the recruits were female (38.3%); most of the participants had a university degree (23.33%), and (26.6%) had never married. Regarding their occupational status, most of the patients had paid work, and populated urban areas. Among positive suicide cases, (89.3%) had experienced previous suicide attempts, mental illness; such as depression, was present in (57.1%). About )50% (of the suicidal participants experienced physical abuse and maltreatment during childhood. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that previous suicide attempts, mental illnesses such as depression, job problems or loss, and barriers to health care access P-value< 0.040, 0.008, 0.023, 0.043 had a highly significant association with suicide.
Conclusions: There was no association between the sociodemographic characteristics of suicidal and non-suicidal individuals. Individuals with associated characteristics, such as a history of repeated suicide attempts and generalized anxiety disorders, require special consideration. Mental illnesses, such as depression, job loss or problems, a previous suicide attempt, and barriers to health care were the highest risk factors.


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How to Cite

Rasool AA, Hamad AH. Risk Factors Associated with Suicidality in Erbil City. Erbil j. nurs. midwifery [Internet]. 2024 May 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];7(1):46-5. Available from: https://ejnm.hmu.edu.krd/index.php/ejnm/article/view/281



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