Association of Belief and Experience of Insufficient Breast Milk Supply with Mothers’ Knowledge Regarding Breast Feeding
Belief, Experience, Insufficient breast milk supply, Breastfeeding, KnowledgeAbstract
Background and objectives: Belief and experience of insufficient milk supply (IBMS) are important and modifiable factors for optimal breastfeeding. However, very few people know about maternal belief, experience about breast milk supply, and how it impacts breastfeeding practice. The aim of the study is to identify the prevalence and association between mothers’ belief and experience of insufficient breast milk supply with mother’s knowledge regarding breast feeding.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on (1,000) participants who took six months postpartum in the primary health care centers (PHCC) and Raparin Teaching Hospital for children (RTHC) in Erbil city /Iraq. Data were collected via direct interview. The question used in the interview were developed after a review of the relevant literature. Frequency, percentage, and Chi-square were used for the purpose of data analysis.
Results: In general, the study showed the prevalence of mothers' belief regarding insufficient breast milk supply was 59.8%. Also, the prevalence of a mother’s experience was 78.6%. Mothers who had a poor level of knowledge regarding breastfeeding got the highest percentage, 62.2%. However, it showed the highly significant association between mothers’ knowledge and mode of the last delivery with mothers’ belief of insufficient breast milk supply. Moreover, there was a highly significant association between mother’s experience with socio economic status.
Conclusion: The majority of the mothers had belief and experience of insufficient breast milk supply (IBMS). The current study showed a significant association between mothers’ belief with mother’s knowledge regarding the benefits of breastfeeding.
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